Winter Work

A lot has been happening around the nursery this winter and it's even more colourful and packed with a wonderful variety of plants than before! When you next visit you will notice new benches dotted around the plant centre, including through the main sales area where all the low beds have been transformed and now stand at a great height that can be easily looked through.
We have also done lots of work and organisation in the fern house, so it now has a much cleaner look and it is easier to find exactly what you are looking for. With that being said, it is packed filled with different hardy fern species and shade loving plants, so there is plenty to choose from to add to

your shady border this spring. We have also planted up lots of exotic hanging baskets with interesting ferns and bromeliads that can live outdoors or as house plants.
Work and improvements continue as we have just started on a new shade structure. This will allow us to grow and sell even more ferns, hostas and other shade loving plants in larger sizes to provide instant impact in your garden. The aviary has also been revamped and has some new occupants - bright and beautiful budgies. It really

gives an exotic burst of noise and colour to the plant centre. Talking of new residents at the jungle, we also have a new cat that has joined the team. After we sadly lost our black and white cat, Desert, who had a happy life here with us for the past 12 years, we brought Kylo onboard. He is our mouse manager, but mainly enjoys napping or having his belly rubbed.
As it is starting to get warmer plant growing is in full swing. The propagator and hot bed is filled with seeds and cuttings, which will add to our well stocked tunnels and tables as springs starts. We look forward to seeing some of you as the weather warms up. Stay safe and keep gardening.